Thursday, February 15, 2007


its been barely two months since i sat down to write that thingy. but i think its had a pretty big impact. sub-consciously, i think i've been making resolutions besides the "four goals in life for this year". it took me quite a while to steel myself but now i think i got enough front armour to take almost anything. which is why i have resolved to barge in head on the next time and find out what went wrong last year. sure, confirm there will be people who strongly detest this course of action. but i cannot let my life be dictated unseen by people. i must have a say in it. and at least, no matter whatever i end up finding out, i'll at least be contented with the fact that i heard it with my own ears rather than from others' mouths.

hitherto, i will be a significantly happier person by the end of the cny holidays. that will give me sufficient time to master vectors, finish up my second project which is now very woefully late as well as do whatever it is that i planned to do.

but yesterday's escapade was one that i wont really forget anytime soon even though it was very uneventful. of course, it wouldnt have been possible without the good old stall 2's ice lemon tea. i just wish someone had seen the final few moments before the crucial moment. haha. i think back and i laugh. but that was the catalyst. of course, jheeva did get a very well illustrated map on his math notes as i outlined (at his request) the entire series of events. i wish he'd scan it and send me.

and i wish ongnardo would send me those two photos. i'm in the mood for posting photos and i cannot continue without those two! they're crucial. haha.

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